The 3 step SCPA Solutions Program

The SCPA Solutions team can develop a customized cleaning program for your facility.


Personalized Program

Our team will develop a unique cleaning program for your facility by inspecting and determining the areas that require simple routine cleaning as well as the high touch surfaces that require regular disinfection. They will guide your maintenance team in determining the type of surfaces available in your spaces and recommend the appropriate cleaning products to ensure maximum sanitation without causing damage or discoloration on the various surfaces.


Provide training for your team

Our team may be invited to conduct free training for your in-house maintenance team to ensure they use the appropriate cleaning or disinfecting products, as directed on the product labels. It is important that all cleaning workers are protected and taught safety measures as they handle the cleaning chemicals.


Customer Support

Whether it’s to troubleshoot a problematic stain or to provide a refresher training on product usage, the SCPA Solutions team is your resource guide for sanitation and disinfection.

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